Aug 25, 2009


in a couple of months it will mark a year of untangling.

tomorrow, i trade in my vw...for a car in my name. just in my name. the web is so close to being untangled. one by one my ducks are lining up.

problem is i had so many ducks. so many ducks to get in a row. stupid ducks.


  1. I can't even imagine. You are so strong.

  2. When you get done with your ducks can you work on my ducks??? They seem to be rather unruly.

  3. I have been "untangling" for just over a year now...somedays I think I'm almost done untangling and then others...well, I feel like I'm back where I started...oh, and I'm Jodi's friend.


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.