Aug 22, 2009


my best friend. for 13 years. the closest friend i have ever had. i love her. there isn't anything i wouldn't do for her. still. 13 years later.

how were we to know what was in store for us? more than a decade. so many changes. death, marriage, kids, divorce. here we are 13 years later having the same conversations. the same questions. the same fears.

you have to trust me. you have to listen to me. you have to come home.

it's hard. it is. i know.


  1. i will listen. how i have messed up my life and you still love me.

  2. so few sentences, so many tears. hugs to her...

  3. i do. and we will get thru this together. like we do everything else.


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.