Aug 10, 2009


dear cake strings:

i love your cakes. i need a cake. i am even willing to drive 30 minutes deep into the backwoods to a strange little trailer park village to get to your home. i realize that i will get lost, my 30 minute drive will turn into a couple of hours and i will be scared by the odd people that live by you...but i will come.

...but your baby making activities are really interfering with my child's birthday parties. this is the 2nd year in a row. i realize you need to take care of your newborns...but could you start procreating at a time other than the fall? and could you stop having them every single year. i mean, really, do you need all those kids? please come out of maternity leave. i am begging. i need a lightning mcqueen cake.


  1. My sister-in-law makes fun, beautiful cakes and I bet she could make a lighting mcqueen cake. She has done all sorts recently. Did an Elmo cake for us one year, did a Cat in the Hat cake recently that was adorable. Let me know if you want her info. Darn maternity leaves.

  2. lol!!! i think i've made that crazy little trip 2 or 3 times and its soooo worth it! i'll sign a petition!

  3. I am also a huge fan of her cakes...did not know she was still making babies. I can just set and look at her fascinates me!


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