May 12, 2010

i didn't fill out my 2010 census so they have been sending the census people to my door trying to get my information. i am too stubborn to answer the door so they keep coming every night and every weekend.

tonight though i decided the only way to get them to stop stalking me is to answer the door and give them my information. simple, i know.

some of the questions were confusing though.

did you live here on or after april 1st?
uh, i don't know...what month is this? and do you mean this year or last year?
how many children do you have?
any foster children?
i just told you i only have 1 child.
any other children stay here?
seriously, i just told you i only have 1 child.
does your child live here?
um, yes...? (*you idiot)
does he stay anywhere else?
yes, with his dad 2 nights a week.
and do you stay there too?
well, that might be weird.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't fill mine out either.

    How many people live here? Um, definte live here. Do you mean physically because that is just me. Use this as their address? Well, two. Pay the mortgage? 2. Have possessions here? Two again.


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