May 6, 2010

everyone keeps asking me what i am doing for mother's day this weekend. they lean in and whisper what are your plans for mother's day, kay? as if i am broken. as if no one will acknowledge or wish me a happy mother's day.

good intentions, yes. but is the pitiful tone necessary?

so i will be spending mother's day at the zoo with my sidekick. same as last year. and we will be looking for a giant panda that doesn't exist and have a meltdown bc we can't find it. same as last year. and he may or may not wish me a happy mother's day. same as last year.

and that's all i want. so no more pitiful tones, k?


  1. I think your day sounds heavenly. I love the zoo. Let me know if you go again.

    I'm headed straight for the land of friendly people. Let's get that drink we have been talking about when I get back.

  2. don't you love people's "good intentions"? just do whatever makes YOU happy - that's all that matters, even with the meltdowns, even with the exhaustion that will surely follow the trip, just enjoy your day with brody...that's all that really matters.

  3. In case B doesn't say it... Happy Mother's Day!


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.