Jun 21, 2009


tonight my boy looked at me with the brightest eyes and sweetest smile and said, 'mommy, you are beautiful'. i melted.

about an hour later he looked at manny the mammoth from ice age and said 'manny, you are beautiful.'

ok kid. now you just said i was beautiful and now you are saying a giant wooly mammoth is beautiful. so what's it gonna be? we can't both be beautiful. you have to pick. me or the mammoth. and remember, i am the one that buys your toys.


  1. Well, "Mommy" and "Manny" sound a lot alike ... maybe he MEANT to say Mommy? ;)

  2. You are beautiful. Manny is not. There. It's settled. Oh - and I see you have a new follower. You're welcome. Told you that the two of you should get together.


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