May 24, 2009


my friend suggested to read thru the 7 stages of grieving for anyone going thru a divorce. evidently the stages are the same for divorce as they are for death. she was right, i was going thru them. each and every one of them, back & forth. completely normal.

i have been hitting all of the stages like clockwork & parallel to each other; shock- yep, lasted 6 months, pain & guilt- yep, hit me hard 6 months later, anger-yep, this one hit me long before i moved out and has never left, loneliness-always, upward turn-already there, reconstruction- made it through, acceptance & hope- there.

the stages gave me permission to cry, to be mad, to be content, to be lonely, to be happy and to go back & forth as much as needed. i am healing and i am at the end.

1 comment:

  1. Kaylen-
    I remeber when your sister passed and I remember how I couldn't even imagine what you were going through, but now I do. One of my brothers passed away almost 7 yrs ago and it is something that you can never fully wrap your head or your heart around!


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