May 1, 2009


i am convinced that our lives are intertwined with only a few people...different times, different places...but always the same people. it's never convenient, it's never what we would have written. in fact, it is just the opposite. you often wish you hadn't seen them, hadn't met them. they come and they go-show up unexpectedly and leave as quickly as they came. the friendship is too damn you move on. you forget. you let go.

when you need them again, however, they'll show up-at the most inconvenient time...they'll fix things and then they'll go. you move on. you forget. you let go. this time though, you become thankful to be intertwined with the person that you didn't choose.


  1. good god, this is deep. what epiphany are you having here?

  2. btw, i really miss you. why did we ever stop hanging out?


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.