Apr 10, 2010

it took me a decade to get a real calculator at hallmark. the awesome kind. after a tiny bit of whimpering, our admin let me pick one out of a catalog all by myself.

so when i left, i stole it. i did. i loved it. and after 10 years, i had earned it.

but now i feel guilty. so i'm headed back. in 2 weeks. to return that calculator.


  1. you are too cute. tell me about this calculator. if its really that cool, i call dibs.

    what day you coming back? let's all do lunch.


  2. Please don't ever stop the blog, it makes me smile. However, you know I would have bought you a calculator, a really nice one just exactly the kind you'd want. Sniff, sniff :(


  3. Can't wait to see the calculator...and you. Welcome home. Podpartner


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.