Jul 7, 2009

tummy aches

i am home with a 2 yr old tummy ache today. the thing about tummy aches is that they come and go. one minute the tummy really does hurt and the next minute the tummy is sprinting around the house. i don't know if i am supposed to make him rest or find ways to keep him entertained.

'hold me' has turned into homiehomiehomiehomiehomie...and when i do homiehomiehomie him, he is so heavy. sigh.

i read on a mommy blog to entertain with aluminum foil. so i got out the paints, the aluminum foil and a cardboard tube and let him go wild. he didn't go wild. he quietly painted a race car track and told me to throw the trash away. hmph.

he has also decided today that he is no longer potty trained. 'i am not a big boy, i am a baby', says brody. and his continual peeing on the floor causes me to use an over-abundance of paper towels that i am not supposed to be using. ahem, we're green now..remember? and i have yet to understand why little boy business is so powerful that it shoots across the room even with undies on.

i tried making him a cave. and realized i had never made a cave. i have only watched my nephews make caves. it turned out ok. maybe he will fall asleep in it.


  1. I think you just got "played" by a 2 year old. He did the "i am sick" card but really he just wanted to be with mommy for the day. Jeannie

  2. hee hee....little B is sooo cute!!!
    i love having "pretend sick" days!
    good work on the cave! :)

  3. Pretty sure your two year just figured out how to play hooky. Can't wait for him to turn 18!

  4. Hey, I totally believe he didn't feel good. Maybe it only lasted about 20 minutes, but he didn't feel good. Coop doesn't want anything to do with me when he is sick or hurt, he just wants his daddy, so I'm jealous you are needed by your little man and I'm not!

  5. That's a pretty sweet cave. Nice work.


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