Jul 5, 2009

goin' green

i am doing it kicking & screaming but going green nonetheless. little by little. step by step. i hate it. it's hard. my life is already complicated, busy, messy and completely unorganized.

i am shamelessly guilty of being the only person on our block without the little blue recycle tub. i am guilty of using way too many paper towels, i love them-they are my best friend. i don't dispose of paint or other harmful substances properly, i sneak them in my trashcan hoping the trash men won't notice. i use paper coffee cups every morning at work...add the sleeve, double the shame. i buy brand new books instead of using the library. i take long showers. i do not use biodegradable anything. i do not use CFL bulbs. i own cloth grocery bags but forget to take them into the store every. single. time.

i am single-handedly destroying our earth. or at least my part of the earth. my little village part.

as brody & i become new home owners, i am making a promise to become a green family.

my first steps are:
1) buy CFL bulbs for every room...i will suck it up and get used to the white light
2) i will use less paper towels. i will find a way. deep. whiny. sigh.
3) i will get a sweet lil blue recycle box like all of my neighbors
4) i will start making my own coffee at work, with my own little coffee mug. boo.
5) if (when) i forget to take in my cloth grocery bags, i will go get them before i check out

things that i refuse to do:
1) stop buying books. sorry. i tried the library. it is dark. it is stinky. the books are sticky. ick.
2) flush less. sorry, but no.
3) compost. nope. no way.


  1. Kindle.
    It's the answer to lifes problems.
    I am getting one for Christmas or else.

  2. I agree, I have a Kindle as well. But miss folding the pages. In regards to the TP, my flower girl once saw me use tiolet paper, she was 4, and boy did I get a lesson. You start with 4 squares! Need more? then only 4 more! I'm 35 and still follow her rules.

  3. I hate that we are being guilted in to being green. Everyone everywhere is talking about going green. My question is, if you aren't green, what color are you?

  4. Kaylen, I'm so with you. And we use diapers, the real ones, no cloth ones here. Someday, I'll get to the place where you are but not today...Good for you though


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