Mar 9, 2009


not a lot of color's cold & rainy. daylight savings has confused me...gain an hour, lose an hour--i can't keep it straight.

i did manage to sneak in some funny though. even on rainy days, i can always count on my homeless man to make me smile.

since brody & i moved, we have taken a new route to & from work everyday...down ward parkway, thru the plaza...every night on the corner of jc nichols & ward, we see the same homeless guy, same time, same place. we named him nemo. when the timing is that of perfect awkwardness, i have given him a few dollars-- awkward being you are in the lane beside him, side by side, hit the red light and think 'shit, now what?'.

i have seen him so many times now that i have his sign memorized...cardboard cutout in black sharpie--ANYTHING WILL HELP, GOD BLESS YOU-- i always stare at it bc it is in female handwriting and it makes me wonder about his life, his family. if he could re-write his history would he? or is he exactly where he wants to be? more importantly, who gave him a sharpie?

right now you are wondering why this is funny. i am getting there.

so today, like any other day, brody & i drive by our homeless guy...i end up in the lane beside him, hit the red light--of course i did. innocent brody sweetly yells 'hi nemo' & waves...thankfully nemo never actually hears we waved, he waved-it's our thing, our way of saying we are going to see each other at this stop everynight for a long time, let's just wave and get it over with. only tonight was different. tonight i got to see another side of nemo. i noticed he was watching the car behind us. why isn't he waving at us? what's wrong with nemo?

then it happens. he flips his sign. the normal sweet GOD BLESS YOU sign magically transformed into a ROT IN HELL sign. it was genius and i now have a new appreciation for nemo.


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