Mar 11, 2009

my mommy has boobs

largest possible number of words that brody can put together in a sentence--4. he rarely does it. usually 2-3 at most. today though, he decided to tell sam's daddy 'my mommy has boobs'. 4 words. not the combo of choice, but 4 words nonetheless.

in all likelihood, sam's daddy probably knows that mommies have the slight possibility that he didn't, he certainly does now that brody yanked down my shirt, pointing 'look, down there'. 3 words.

although slightly embarrassed but not shaken, i assume the boob talk is over.

walk out the front door with many other parents as you can imagine...police officer says to brody as he does nightly 'see ya, kid'. brody's response? 'sam's daddy, my mommy's boobs'. 5 words.

now although i am proud of him for saying his first 5 word full sentence, there was a very important mid-section missing. sam's daddy (did what to) your mommy's boobs?

i am just thankful that i never see sam's mommy. chances are i will now.


1 comment:

  1. Wow - this is funny :) You make me want to start a blog too! Here's a funny one too: Keegan, now 3.5 years old tends to say "poopy, (insert any word here)" (e.g. poopy head, poopy boy, poopy ball) all the time. So we have a rule - we only say poopy when we're in the bathroom. Today, he was going poopy in the potty and he was saying, "poopy, poopy, poopy, poopy, poopy" and I asked him what he was doing. He said, "Mom, I'm in the bathroom now so I can say 'poopy'" He was just taking advantage of the time I told him it was ok :) Pretty funny what these kids come up with!


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