Mar 22, 2009


i see it all the time, especially at work. lots of matching. matching sweaters, turtlenecks, dangle earrings, lapel pins, color-coordinated socks, perfectly shaped yet mysteriously immobile hair. it is very bothersome to me.

today though, i encountered it at the park in the form of a dad and his two boys. the dad suffering from an exaggerated sense of himself and the two boys unaware of the matchiness happening to them.

i heard him coming from the other side of the park. his voice and his laugh deep enough to match his ego. headed in our direction were 2 matching boys (maybe 5 and 8 yrs old) and 1 matching dad. stereotyping begins.

baby blue ralph lauren tees. khaki above-the-knee perfect fit shorts. white leather kicks with the matching ralph lauren logo. white socks.

i look around the park and realize how different these two boys are from all the other little boys. the others are dirty from head to toe. it's a park, they are supposed to be dirty. it's a rule. you are not allowed to be perfect at the park. you are not allowed to match.

i see drugs in the future of these two boys.


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