Mar 14, 2010

the universe hates my friend, betsi. it hates me too.

1 month ago i started a new job. it was time. 10 years with hallmark and it was time to move on. after many long days, long hours, a boss that i am positive hates me, i have spent many car rides home in tears and many late nights of regret.

after 8 months of dating someone that i adored, he called it off this weekend. i expected it. he had an expiration date stamped right across his forehead. what i didn't see coming was for him to hand over so much pain. i knew a reality check and a difficult conversation were coming within a few months. i didn't expect a kick in the gut nor did i expect it this early. hearts don't break evenly--so says that country song.

i found a plumber to help me with my bathtub. i had saved the money and was finally getting it replaced. my over-protective sister did a background check on him for me and come to find out he just got out of lansing federal prison. awesome.

and lastly, at one point i was planning to be in mexico this week with said adorable boy. instead i am in kc, spending a great deal of time curled up under a blanket crying, no more adorable boy and a crap bathtub with no plumber.

stupid universe. find 2 other girls to pick on.


  1. Oh K. I am sorry. Your things seem worse but I am sure this is one contest you didn't want to win. Let me know what I can do.

  2. New job? Boyfriend? Where have I been? My grandma died a couple of years back (she was 101!) but she was always saying something that had real meaning. One thing she always used to say was, "This too shall pass." Sounds corny I know, but it has gotten me through a lot of shit, you know?

  3. Kaylen - I'm sorry you had such a bad week you need to call me girl. You know I have no great words of wisdom I can only tell you what people keep telling me....Where you are is right where you are supposed to be. I know that sounds silly but I guess it has helped me. I LOVE you girly. Kristie

  4. And I was sitting here feeling all sorry for myself....sending you big HUGS. Keep your head up.


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