Mar 23, 2010

in a couple of days we will bury my little boy's do i explain this to him? how do you tell a 3 year old that his grandma is gone?

so many goodbyes lately. how much can one person take before they completely fall apart?


  1. Keeping u and Brody bug in my thoughts and prayers. (HUGS)

  2. Praying for you & Brody and his daddy! Sorry about your loss. Luv ya

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of S's mom. I know this only serves to complicate a complicated situation more but kids are resiliant. I think I was Brodie's age the first time I understood loss. But I think the more you make it clear to him now, the more he will be able to handle it with grace in the future. I am here if you need an ear or a case of beer. Either way...don't hesitate to call, text or FB.

  4. I'm so sorry Kaylen! I will keep you all in my prayers.--Kerri

  5. Death just sucks.

    I'm sure you have lots of very complicated emotions about this.

    Brody will be ok. He won't really understand. It's probably less painful to him for it to happen now then when he's older and really gets it.

    Doesn't make it less painful for you or S, though.

    I'm really sorry that life keeps doing this to you right now. It must mean something really awesome is in store for you down the road. Hang on, you'll make it.


  6. I am so sorry to hear about S's mom, Kaylen. Unfortunately my boys are grieving my dad's death on Mar. 8th. My older one has bawled his eyes out on several occasions--missing Pop Pop and worried about Nonnie. The younger one cried at the funeral but he has been pretty good since. Brody probably won't understand right now but you and his dad can just let him know how much his grandma loved him and you can teach him about her. Praying for you guys. It sucks.

  7. ugh...this sucks. that's all i have to say.


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