Mar 15, 2010

during my 2nd coffee run this morning, my friend marc asked me how my weekend was. he had no idea what he was getting himself into. i can count on one hand the number of people that i will let in--really let in. everyone else gets a tiny little taste of what i want them to know, but not much else.

marc though tricked me. he should be a counselor bc the second he asked me--verbal vomit.

so after an hour in the coffee shop (note: please never send my boss this url), he ended our conversation with- when will you talk to him again?

i thought for a minute and realized that i had nothing left to say to him...and in those moments it's best to just say nothing at all.

1 comment:

  1. Having nothing left to say at least represents some closure for you. It doesn't make it easier but at least its something.

    I wish I had nothing left to say to B. Wish it weren't so damn complicated.

    Wish it were April 16th and we were having beers.


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.