Jul 30, 2010

i love this couple. he loves her. she loves him. and i love them. and they don't know me. but whatever, i love them.

just look at how much he loves her. it's ridiculous.

they make me want to get married. again. and have more babies.

and i know i had sworn off men. and marriage. and more babies.

but come on. look how cute they are.


  1. They are adorable.

    I want you to have more babies, too. You are SUCH a good mommy - and you make really cute kids.

    More importantly - that Owl ring. It's awesome.

  2. cute. cute. almost as cute as that very young couple at the play...seriously, they were freakin adorable.

  3. omg they were so adorable. I loved him too. and her. so cute.
    I wish I had told him to make us more cupcakes, he totally would have done it.


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