Nov 6, 2009

too tight

i can't stop eating. mostly candy and chocolate. and hot cocoa.
this morning i had to suck in to button my jeans. then i had to do a little dance around to loosen them up.
i was determined to stop eating candy today. and to start working out again.
then i got to work and my friend gave me a donut. a chocolate donut.
and i ate it.
as i was walking to a meeting i thought again, my pants are too tight.
then i looked down and had donut icing on my boob.
a harsh reminder of why my pants are too tight.


  1. u said the b word. j is gonna get on to you again. lol

  2. I DON'T care who you are---no one can pass up a chocolate donut.


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.