Sep 6, 2010

i never let anyone drive me to the airport. ever. afraid my plane will be delayed and i'll be left stranded with no ride. but last week james insisted on taking me. and therefore he had to pick me up. he got there at 5pm, when my plane landed. problem is my plane didn't land at 5pm. it landed at 10:15pm. take off vs landing time confusion on my part. he waited for me for 5 hours. AND wasn't even mad. i would have left me there.

today we went to buy a kite. first store didn't have any. but we did leave with this...
but the day was too pretty to give up so a couple more stores later we found a kite. and he bought us 2.

and after much practice & many giggles, he taught brody how to fly the kite on his own.

i should add that they hit me on the head twice.

we came home to a locked screen door. he got it open by using a rock to bust through the glass. and although the glass didn't break it was too wobbly to be safe so he unscrewed the entire door. but the screen door doesn't come off without taking off the entire frame. so then he took off the entire frame.

it's ridiculous how sweet he is to me. he did leave with a headache though.


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.