Sep 30, 2009

diet coke

1st day back to work after a long trip to hawaii and a short trip to florida. i pretty much feel like a truck has run over me...then backed up and ran over me again.

a diet coke always helps.

go to vending machine. i see it from a distance. brand new and beautiful.
no diet coke. it's a pepsi machine now. for the love of god.
walk downstairs to cafeteria. decide on a tea instead.
no normal tea. only black tea, green tea and lots of other fruity teas. lord help me.
decide to try diet coke fountain soda.
ice maker broke. poke my eyes out.
get a teeny tiny bit of ice and realize i am getting caffeine-free diet coke.
pour it out.
fight the ice maker again.
get a diet coke. finally.
pay. walk upstairs. drink.
it's flat.

i want to go back to florida.


  1. i'm a mt dew junkie. not unleaded, the fully charged stuff. unfortunately, weight watchers is always in the back of mind. so, i switched to tea. sigh. how come something so good has to be so bad?

  2. and you can't drink diet mountain dew bc it tastes like pee. not that i know what pee tastes like...but assuming it tastes like diet mountain dew.


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