Aug 22, 2011

i let my little boy drive off on his bike tonight. speeding up ahead of me.

usually the scene is something like this ---
wait bro! slow down! stop! omg! stop! stop!
---as i chase after him.

instead i saw the stop light ahead of us and just let him go to see what he would do.

wait for it.
(i am going to die)
wait for it.
(my heart is shattering in a million pieces)
wait for it.
(why do i have to let him grow up?)

you know what he did?

1/2 a block away from me.
he stopped his bike.
gently climbed off of it.
walked to the cross walk.
pressed the cross walk button.
climbed back up on his bike.
and patiently waited for me to catch up to him.

he's all grown up.

...and i'm still gonna die.


  1. I know that feeling! It's the oddest mix of trepidation and pride .....

  2. I'm proud of you! Watching them grow up is harder in so many ways than any of the other stuff ever was!


say hi, leave a note. comments make me all happy inside.