Jan 25, 2010


i have put myself on my own version of the dave ramsey plan. the kaylen-dave ramsey plan. the no way am i buying his book kind of plan. just give me an excel spreadsheet and i can do it myself kind of plan.

so i did. and i will be debt free in 3 months. months, not years. months.

and when i have my new found debt-free freedom, i will buy a new kitchen. i mean, isn't that what everyone does?

actually it will be baby steps. below will be end result. go ahead, invite yourself over for dinner. you bring the wine.


  1. So cute and cozy! I love it!

    And way to be debt free. That's awesome. I wish I were that close!

  2. love the future remodel. you prefer red or white? ;) lex

  3. does it have to be wine? or would a 12-pk of beer suffice? I'd also include the brats!!

  4. Love, love, love the new kitchen. Can I come cook in it when its done?

    PS - love the debt free. So jealous. I will have student loans until I die.

  5. Could you hook me up with "debt free in 3 months"?? Heck, I'd be ok with debt free in 3 YEARS!!


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